Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Long Winter

Just like the book by Laura Ingalls Wilder, it has been a long winter.  Well, not just like it.  We haven't had to twist wheat until are hands are raw to have something to burn in the fireplace.  And we are not drinking wheat coffee.  Was it wheat?  I don't know...some kind of grain.  The books are right here next to me on a shelf but I am too lazy to reach over and check my reference.

Usually winter lasts just long enough to the point where I am going to scream and then (cue "Hallelujah" chorus") spring bursts forth in all it glory.  I cannot wait to see green grass and the leaves on the trees.  I long for the site of snowy white Bradford pear trees and the green vine of yellow jessamine that wraps itself around our fence. I long for my my weary soul to be soothed by the blooms of the dogwood trees and the pink and red of my enormous azalea bushes.

I long for new life.  And that is what spring brings.  The reminder of our new life when we live in Christ and the promise of an eternal life with Him.  Jesus didn't just die on the cross.  He rose again.  We have the hope of the Resurrection.

Come, season of Spring.  Hurry so that I may rest more easily.


  1. In the book I just finished, the main character's name was Clara winter (small w) and she hates winter but loves pioneer times and talks about twisting the wheat to put in the fire.....Coincidence huh? I was just staring out of my studio at my dead front lawn and the wind whipping the bejeezuz out of every leaf and tree....wishing guessed it....Spring!

  2. I'm 100% ready for Spring. However, your post reminds me that just like it was necessary for Jesus to go to the cross to give us eternal life, winter has it purpose and must run it's course for Spring to come. I praise God for Jesus' death and resurrection. And I praise God for the cold weather! Thanks for helping me put my desire for winter to be over in perspective.

  3. SO glad to see you here again. Our winter has not been much of one, unfortunately. It's warm, but everything is still un-grown and bare-branched. 3 days ago the temperature was 86. But I know the feeling of the longing and readiness for the new life that comes with spring. Even Elizabeth commented that she's ready for the grass to be green. I am, too.
