Friday, November 23, 2012

It's Been A While....

If you pay any attention to me, you'll note that I have not written on this blog since May.  And, paying even closer attention, you'll see that I've deleted several posts all the way back through March.

I'm not exactly sure what I want this blog to be about.  But I know I miss the writing.

My family has a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  My daddy had emergency brain surgery at the beginning of May.  I thought he wasn't going to make it.  I thought he would never be the same again.  But the Lord has healed him and he's back to his normal self.

Yesterday I said the blessing before our Thanksgiving feast at my parents' house.  I thanked God for my father's recovery, for my mother's gift of selflessness and commitment as she tirelessly takes care of people, for my brother's new job, for my husband's good job, and for my son who is growing and thriving as he should.  But the number one thing I am thankful for is that I am absolutely certain that every single one of us around that table knows Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and that we will be able to spend eternity together with Him.  Praise God!

My internet habits and interests have changed over the past few months.  I am no longer obsessive about reading blogs about frugality, personal finance, writing, and Christianity.  I am no longer interested in reading blogs and news sites where the comments are worthless, inflammatory, negative and blasphemous.  I am no longer interested in trying to learn about the Lord and the way He wants me to live my life by reading about other people's lives, especially other Christian SAHMs.  I want to go to directly to THE source---God and His Holy Word, the Bible.  I'm also returning to my first love of reading, that old-fashioned thing called the book.

Sure, there's a lot of junky, self-help, feel-good, health-wealth-and-prosperity books out there, even in Christian bookstores.  But there are also a lot of valuable scholarly resources that can enhance my knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

I started a Bible study at my home this fall with four friends and it has been a huge blessing to all of us.  The book we studied was The Girl's Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs, about Ruth.  It was a fun and revealing read, chock-full of information that we couldn't have gathered on our own.  I loved listening to my friends' different perspectives on what we read and also how they found ways to apply what we were reading to our own lives.

Back to the internet....Yeah, I finally joined Facebook about 15 months ago, so it takes awhile to catch up on that once a day.  I've also discovered Pinterest and really, really enjoy it!

But I'm reading more regular old books, and watching classic movies on TV, and doing things around the house.  I love being able to stay at home.  I am a homebody and an introvert at heart.  I never run out of things to do here.  And, though the house may look like a mess most of the time, I know for a fact that I make things run smoothly around here.

So, here is my foray back into blogging.  Not sure how often I will post, but hopefully when I do write something it will be something of quality.

Thanks for stopping by and sticking with me!

And to my dear blog friends: Gabby, Donnmo, Davene, Margie, Laura, Carrie, Mary Ann, Robin and all others---I do not include you when I say I am tired of reading blogs.  Your blogs are the ones I want to get back to reading.  I've just, you know, been on a blog break.